Wednesday, October 28, 2015

2.2 Oh Lord, know yourself, know your worth, My actions been louder than my words, How you so high, but still so down to Earth (#Politicians)

1. 70% of state legislatures, 60% of governors, 55% of attorneys general and secretary of state are all held by Republicans. They also control both chambers of Congress.

2. They are confident they will keep the power that they do have. They are more focused on how to use that power to get what they want. The democrats are torn apart as well, and the republican party is at least organizing itself.

3. They are the fundamental building blocks of American Politics. This is the level where the greatest level of electoral entrenchment is possible since they run the redistricting process for the House of Representatives and themselves.

4. Only seven states are under unified democratic control.

5.A) An unprecedented wave of restrictions on abortion rights. 
   B) spread of union-hostile "right to work" laws in the great lake states 
   C) curbs on voting rights to further tilt the electorate in a richer, whiter, and older direction
   D) large scale layoffs of teachers and other public sector workers who are likely to support democrats

6. The Democrats probably have between 11 and 15 percent of the population under their style of government. (California is 10% of population, next largest is Oregon with about 1%)

7. The GOP has some idealogical flexibility.It is more difficult to get people to commit to fully democratic ideals. The type of commitment necessary of people from the Democratic party is the largest reason it is more likely to inherently fail. This means that the Republicans who have the advantage, will more likely keep winning state legislature. (Also refer to #3 for another reason-redrawing of boundaries)

8. The Republicans have two basic plans to push their agendas. 
     a) do nothing and hope for better luck in the democratic party messing up
     b) shift left on immigration to get some Latino votes while retaining the core of the party's commitments

Not "amazing plans", but they will work.

   The Democratic agenda is to win the presidency, since it must be pretty easy. Taking it so easy will cause problems (and maybe a loss) especially if the Republicans draw more votes. The democrats are steadily shifting farther to the left not carefully assessing the implications of these shifts on the voters. The democrats are also showing much more interest in seeing who they prefer, a far left candidate or a pretty far left candidate, and they are not considering what to do to have either candidates policies passed when they are in power.

9. Hispanic voters have the key to help republicans win the presidential election, without changing any core issue opinions. If the republicans have a majority in all of the government it will be easier to pass all types of policies.

10. same-sex marriage, gun control, taxes, minimum wage, child care, and parental leave

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