Thursday, October 8, 2015

1.1 D O L L H O U S E I See Things That Nobody Else Sees (except for Boenher)

1. It was a thankless, exhausting job. Boehner was stuck in a partisan and institutional dynamic, which also pushed him to leave. (He does not want to get involved with a possible coming fight about another government shutdown.)
2. "the majority party members decide among themselves who their nominee is and then vote for him or her in a block. The majority party's leader, in short, becomes speaker." (this is generally the process, and it will be the process this time as well)3.He repeatedly cut deals with the Obama administration that his members would vote against. (Conservatives felt he could have done more)4. In essence, federal funds are indirectly supporting the availability of abortions in America.5. Recently, they threatened Boehner. It looked like it was going to fail, but Boehner is resigning beforehand anyway. (so they were just starting to take action, and we are not sure what took them so long)6."To achieve more things, Boehner believed, correctly, that conservatives need a Republican president who will sign laws, appoint judges, and issue executive orders. Under the circumstances, they ought to be avoiding extreme tactics that only make winning the White House harder" (Conservatives feel that enough is not being accomplished, but Boehner knows there has to be a healthy medium for a Republican to have a shot at the executive seat. If they can get a president, then a lot more can be accomplished.)7."Kevin McCarthy, the California Republican who replaced Cantor as the No. 2 guy in the GOP leadership, is the odds-on favorite to replace Boehner." I believe Kevin McCarthy will be less successful then Boehner because as he goes in, he is already put in a highly tense situation. It will be harder for him to get a start then it was for Boehner. Also, even though there have been no remarkable differences distinguished yet, if this candidate is any less willing to fight to negotiate, or more crowd influenced than Boehner, then he will immediately lose leverage that Boehner always maintained. This helped him have his thoughts and opinions voiced (and accepted to a degree) even by Democrats. 

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