Sunday, November 8, 2015

2.5 All I Feel is Pain, Surviving on my Own, All I Feel is Pain, Surviving on my Own (know the struggle)

1. The RNC was unhappy with the treatment of NBC moderators against the GOP candidates through the use of unfair tactics and biased questions.

2. The Republican Party has the power to cancel Republican Primary Debates for any reason they feal is unfair.

3. My Favorite Quazi Insult

Addressing Jeb Bush, Harwood asserted, "The fact that you're at the fifth lectern tonight shows how far your stock has fallen." He continued: "Ben Bernanke said he no longer considers himself a Republican because the Republican Party has given into know-nothingism. Is that why you're having a difficult time in this race?"

4. Jonah Goldberg says that the Democrats are treated as the social norm. The media unprofessionally has bias towards them and against republicans. Often times, Republicans are treated as outcasts and asked unfair questions and such, and the media is congratulated for this treatment by viewers and democratic activists.

5. Republican Party and Republican presidential campaigns control the 
Republican primary debates . They choose who will be the host for and moderate the candidate debates.

6. Conservatives often feel that the media is rooting against them. Republican presidents since Nixon have been skeptical of the media. There has been longstanding hostility between the Republican party and many major Republican media outlets.

7. The media has too much power in modern politics for the Republican Party to isolate itself from it. The Republicans also need to pick up the independent, moderate, and swing votes from people through the media.

8. I think the candidates, for the most part would follow orders because they would want the approval and endorsement of their party, making he more supported by followers of the party, and giving them a slightly better chance at getting the seat within the party. The benefits of this would likely outweigh the possible consequences of what would happen if they went against their party, for a little more media attention.

9. The advantages would be more fairness in their media, since the republican party would be involved in it, it would also include the party's approval and support, and a higher chance of getting the endorsement and final vote from the party's officials.

10. The disadvantages would be less media attention, the loss of a chance to earn swing votes, and the loss of a real chance to show political knowledge by having to go through tougher, and maybe more biased opposition in debates and questions.

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